A Tale of Two Thanksgiving Tables - Part 1

Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade


We're hosting Thanksgiving this year and I've been thinking about all aspects of planning for the holiday. Most nights we eat dinner at our kitchen island but on Thanksgiving we always sit down at the dining room table. Naturally, the table decor has been on my mind...enter the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade tablescape.  I can't take credit for this genius idea. I wish I could but I saw it on the Instagram feed of The House That Lars Built and was blown away. Of course, I had to try it. Immediately. Read below for my TAKE on the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade tablescape.



Before creating the tablescape I collected a handful of boxes from around the house and my husband wrapped all of the boxes in this wrapping paper. Trust me if I had wrapped these boxes they wouldn't look half as nice. He is an EXPERT when it comes to wrapping. I then tested out a couple of Sharpie colors on the back of the boxes but ended up using the Silver Metallic version. I then drew doors and windows in varying shapes and sizes on each box to create the buildings. I then lined them up along the edge of the table runner. The most challenging part of setting this table may just have been poking holes in the top of the boxes for the balloons. I used a sharp scissors and the firmer the box the easier it was.



You can find a lot of small helium balloons with sticks online but I went to a Party City store and was able to select balloons from their inventory. I knew that I wanted a Turkey and a Santa (the parade always ends with Santa Claus) and I selected the others based on what I thought our kids would like. Unfortunately, they didn't have a Turkey in stock but I had them blow up an orange balloon (brown wasn't available) and I taped on a turkey art project my son had completed earlier in the week. To ensure the balloons looked like they were floating I positioned them at various heights in the buildings.


Street + Cars

For the street I used a table runner that I bought a few years ago at Crate & Barrel (a similar once can be found here) and added road markings by cutting down yellow construction paper and placing them in the center of the runner. Cars aren't necessary for this tablescape but I thought they would be a fun addition especially when you have littles at the table. I used this Melissa & Doug set that we had on hand but also found these amazing Hot Wheels taxi cab cars online.

All in all this was extremely easy to put together and the kids LOVE it! It just took a little planning in terms of the balloons and boxes but a short amount of time to execute once all the supplies were collected. I paired this tablescape with our everyday china and some miniature pumpkins as it would be perfect for a kids table! Stay tuned for another more traditional tablescape option coming later this week.
