DIY Bored Jar

We're not even two weeks into summer and I can't count the number of times I've heard the phrase, "I'm Bored." It may just be the most frustrating phrase on the planet and my six year old is quite fond of it. I can emphathize with her some of the time as she has to often hang around the house while her younger siblings nap. This summer I'm trying something new and I created a Bored Jar full of activity ideas for when your child comes to you with those dreaded words. Read on for my TAKE on a DIY Bored Jar.


Before putting the physical jar together I started thinking of activities to put in the jar - both inventive and practical. I came up with a list of 35 to start and will add more as the summer progresses but the kids will only be able to draw 1 activity per day. They may not like the idea they pull but it's going to be a game of chance and I'm sure a bit of a learning experience for all of us. Once the ideas were set it took less than an hour to put the jar together. I ordered this jar from Amazon, used these multi-colored alphabet stickers on the jar and then wrote the activity ideas on pieces of construction paper.

A Sample of Activity Ideas

  • Draw a map of our house
  • Set up an obstacle course in the backyard
  • Give our wagon a car wash
  • Plan our dinner meal for a night
  • Collect some rocks and paint designs on them
  • Write a thank you note to a friend or family member
  • Play Hide-n-Seek
  • Call a Grandparent
  • Tidy up your room
  • Build a Fort
  • Bake your Favorite Cookies
  • Create a Scavenger Hunt

This DIY Bored Jar is so easy to put together and will provide endless hours of ideas for those lazy summer afternoons.  I'm always open to new activity ideas so if you and your kids have some favorites - please share! The jar has already generated quite a bit of excitement in our house so here's hoping that I hear those dreaded "I'm Bored" words a little bit less frequently this summer.