Kate's Monthly Take - July 2019

An object in motion, stays in motion…isn’t that how Newton’s law of inertia, goes? Well, I can relate. This summer is so buy that I find I can only get anything done if I keep moving because when I sit down, I’m done for. Literally, will not move for hours which means that some things like blogging which I love have been put on the back burner while I tackle things like spending more time with the kids this summer. Looking forward to enjoying the rest of the summer yet kind of thinking wistfully about the consistency of the school year. Anyways, I managed to find a few spare minutes while the kids slept en route to Wisconsin to share some of my July favorites.

Enjoy my Monthly Take!

Kate's Monthly Take - July 2019


  • Still exhausted. Entertaining 3 kids in the summer is no joke! Even with summer camps!

Currently Coveting

  • A decent pair of pajamas. My kids have much nicer than pj’s than I do and I think it’s about time for an upgrade. This sweet set would be perfect for this steamy weather.

Favorite Product

  • My favorite product is a bit practical this month. Mosquitos just love my son and he loves to be outside so it’s a constant struggle as I still haven’t found the proper repellant for him. However, when he does get bit, we’ve got it down. A combination of Benadryl Anti-Itch Cream and After Bite does wonders to calm the itching and reduce the bite.

Design Pick

  • I love utility sinks and I dream about have a jack-and-jill bathroom for my kids with this KOHLER sink. I might even pair it with these Hammam bath towels.

What I'm Reading

What I’m Listening To

  • We’ve been driving back and forth to Wisconsin a lot this month and Banjo Renews by John Craigie is always requested by the kids.

What We're Reading the Kids

Instagram Handle

  • I love to follow Gray Benko. She is the most inspiring and colorful photographer and has the most expressive children!

Guilty Pleasure

  • I’ve gotten into a really bad habit this month of eating double stuff oreos. I bought them in a moment of weakness at Target and I can’t stop eating them!

I Need A Vacation

  • Ever since seeing the original Parent Trap, I’ve always dreamed of going off to camp. So when I came across this dreamy resort/camp in Maine for families, called Migis Lodge, I immediately put it on my short list of dream vacations. Meals and activities are included plus everyone dresses up for dinner - sounds perfect!

Shit My Kids Will Eat

  • Kid Tested & Approved - I’ve made this Chicken Tortellini Salad a couple of time this month and while my kids don’t exactly eat the salad they do eat some of the ingredients. The salad itself is delicious and the white balsamic vinaigrette is so refreshing. Do not skip on toasting the pecans they are one of my favorite things about the salad! To avoid making two dinners I give the kids some of the salad ingredients: tortellini, roast chicken and corn for their meal while we eat the salad. It’s a win win!