Summer Camp Philosophy

Time flies when you're having fun and summer is no exception. As a household with two working parents and three children with completely different schedules summer can be a bit of a logistical nightmare. Don't get me wrong summer provides a welcome break from school and the chance to sleep in but it's still a bit of a nightmare.  We employ childcare year round but during the summer months we also like to take advantage of day camp. Read on for my TAKE on Summer Camps in Chicago!


This year the kids have eleven full weeks of summer vacation so we decided that we would schedule six weeks (about half) of camps and spend the rest of the summer traveling and relaxing. Six weeks may sound like a lot or maybe too little but it works for us. I've found that the weeks the kids are in camp the house runs smoother: the kids are tired so they sleep better, there is less fighting, less TV and with a set schedule I am less forgetful! The less forgetful piece is a huge win!

Summer camps can be expensive so I try to find ones with varying levels of fees and this year I wised up and signed up for a pre tax dependent care based FSA. Which means that I am saving hundreds of dollars by using my pre tax dollars to pay for summer day camps! Seriously, I wish I had signed up years ago as it also covers preschool! If you plan to try day camps next summer I would advise adding a line item to your household budget to save for them. Most summer camp schedules come out in late winter/early spring so you can get an idea of costs at that time. Some camps do fill up early (ahem City of Chicago Park District) but I've also found many with openings later in the summer. We also love to support our school and attend at least one week of camp there.

This year my absolute favorite camp for my 6.5 year old is Game On! Sports 4 Girls. There are two locations in the Chicago area and I truly believe that this is the closest you can get to a sleep away camp in the city. Game On! has a three week commitment (although they do not need to be consecutive) and truly builds an empowering community for it's campers. The girls participate in various sports, field trips, challenge courses, water wars, olympics week and many theme days. We will definitely be signing for next summer!

It's no secret that if you follow my Instagram account that I love art and especially the LillStreet Art Center. Lillstreet has an amazing offering of classes throughout the year but their summer camp program is really impressive. There are offerings for preschool - teens and this year I love the addition of the afternoon camp sessions. Each camp is a week long and be prepared for amazing art to make it's way into your home at the end of the week. This year my oldest is doing a Paints & Print camp but have done a few years in the preschool program and last summer we hosted our cousin for a week while she did a sewing camp

My almost 4 year old will be entering pre-school in the fall and as a means to help prepare him for the classroom setting we enrolled him in a summer camp program at Black Bear Academy. They offer an eight week program and you can select how many days a week your child attends. Our son is loving it! He is gaining some independence and is especially pleased when he gets to go on field trips. Who doesn't love a ride on a yellow school bus?

There are really so many summer camp options in Chicago you can't go wrong. Overall, I try to find camps that are convenient and work with our family logistics which often means selecting camps based on their location. Next year we're interested in trying Dream Big Performing Arts Camp (fingers crossed they offer Hamilton again), a science based camp like Kids Science Lab and perhaps a camp at the zoo.  Registering for camps and solidifying your summer schedule can be a hassle but it's worth it; it makes for an entire summer of happy campers in my home. Happy Camping!


Summer Reading Project

Our oldest is entering first grade in the fall and she isn't entirely confident in her reading capabilities. As a way to help build her confidence and improve her skills I've come up with a 12 week long Summer Reading Project. To be fair I'm not an educator so this project isn't based on anything other than practice, practice, practice. With that being said, I've already noticed a difference in her ability to sound words out and recognize sight words; so we're going to go with it. Read on for my TAKE on a Summer Reading Project for early readers.


My basic idea for the project was to create a reading journal but I wanted to also supplement the reading with additional skills like drawing and writing. My daughter selected 12 books (1 for each week) and in addition to focusing on reading her weekly selection she uses her notebook to draw 2 pictures, identify 10 vocabulary words and write 2-3 descriptive sentences about the story. We focus on reading the book everyday and split up the other items i.e. vocabulary and sentence writing throughout the week. Depending on the amount of activity during the day we vary our reading time (i.e. not at bedtime when she is exhausted) but try to spend 15-30 minutes focusing on it. 

Once Lucy has mastered the book she reads it to her siblings and adds a star sticker to the cover of her notebook. There is a lot of repetition with this method and I do get concerned that she just memorizes her book of the week so a couple weeks after mastering a book I have her go back and read it before starting on a new book. While this project is a time commitment we've made it a priority this summer and I know it's helping when she says things like, "that word was easy." She loves books and I want her to love reading as much as I do and as a bonus it helps fill the time when her younger siblings are napping.

Project Materials

Summer Reading List

As an bonus incentive, we were at Barnes & Noble in late June and they have their own Summer Reading Journal program where kids in grades 1-6 can earn a free book (age-appropriate) if they record 8 books that they have read in this journal. The program runs through September 3rd and you better believe we will be brining in our journal to claim our book. I think it will be such a proud moment for Lucy!

Please feel free to share if you have any tips about teaching kids to read and Happy Summer Reading!